Monday, August 1, 2011

The Whirlwind that is my life!


It has been a crazy few weeks! I have been so busy that I can barely think straight. The day after I arrived in Sentul City, Indonesia I was thrown into meetings... and more meetings... and more meetings. And then school started which means we plan our meetings around work :) I felt like I was in college again going through syllabus shock. So much information being crammed in all at the same time. The staff made it easy though, they are so kind and friendly and willing to answer any questions I had, which were a lot! They are all very sweet. Like I said, school started and I love my students! They are so well behaved and so smart and fun. They really love school which makes my job so easy...a couple struggle with the English speaking but they get the point most of the time.
The school lobby (I am standing at the drop-off circle)
The lower atrium...those steps lead to the upper atrium and my class is on the left when you get to the top of the steps.
Second...Motor Bike!

So I know you are all anxiously awaiting pictures of me on my new motor bike so here it is! Isn't he pretty

I looked completely disgusting in this picture. I hadn't showered or anything because we were on our way to the market and Josh said we would come back smelling nasty, which we did so good thing I stayed gross. :)

Still trying to decide his name
See...I'm even being safe and responsible and wearing my helmet! People drive crazy here so there's no way I would not wear it.
 Third...My house!

My house is pretty nice and it's huge...way too big for one person. It is nice to come home and just be alone for a while. But I do get bored easily so I usually hang at other peoples house. The pictures are pretty boring cause I haven't been shopping for decorations or anything yet. But here it is
Stairs leading to bedrooms and bathroom

living room

Sad, and completely unhealthy supply of "groceries" when I first got here.
Front of my house


Forth...Creepies and crawlies!!

As most of you know, living in Indonesia comes with it's share of far in my house I have killed countless ants, probably 10 cock roaches, about 5 spiders, 2 snakes! and partridge in a pear tree...haha...J/K. I also have a couple resident geckos that live with me as well. I keep them around, however, because they eat all the other bugs which are never welcome in my house. They do poop on the walls but it is a small price to pay. I'm sorry there are no pictures of my critters but they are usually dead by the time I realize I should have taken a picture first. You'll just have to take my word for it :)

Fifth...I feel blesssed!
Even though my life has been crazy and busy since I arrived I feel so blessed by the people at the school and how everything has just sort of fallen into place since I arrived. The people here are so great and welcoming. It has also been a huge blessing to have my friend, Josh, already here. He has shown me the ropes and helped me adjust to the many "surprises" Indonesia throws at you. God has truly shown me his faithfulness and confirmation that this is where I need to be. Thank you everyone for the prayers!